hehe…after about a year of Dynamis.. I finally completed my white mage’s AF2 set. This is after so much procrasination. I actually didn’t really had much high hopes on completing the set because I heard people take 3 years before they finish it!

So Wynth is pretty happy and cute in her briault!

Flynne also has something to cheer about! He got 4/5 of his rdm af2 and that’s after only about 3 months of Dynamis! Its now down to the elusive hat! its always the hat! Celebrating the AF2 niftiness with a dance!

The funniest thing about Calta is that I don’t see him much often on the game and when I do see him, he’s always without clothes…
I decide to tag along with him as he solos Salvage… as BLM/NIN
Note the nifty black bloomers ;p

And this is the creature that he was playing with , it looks kinda cool actually.

.. to be leveling white mage again. I had to take white mage up to 37 as one of the possible sub-jobs for my bard. So Flynne was telling me why not to 42 so that I can tele up to Vahzl on one of my other characters. Hey, why not. So off we went.

Flynne is a thief and I’m a white mage. I must admit, its a little different leveling white mage as Treia than as Wynth. Wynth was a little MP ball, I never seem to run out of MP. For Treia, I had to learn how to manage my mp carefully so that the party can continually pulling. I had to keep up with my -na as well as we were fighting crawlers in Yhoater Jungle.

I enjoyed myself during the party. I’m not sure why..maybe its because I had a lot of things to do and look out for and was kept on my toes…and I had to manage my mp.

I like partying with Japanese though, they’re rather a hard-working bunch..with some exceptions.

Flynne is working hard here trying to manage his SATA.

Flynne taking a stroll! 😛 Imagine! During an XP party! teehee

More proof that Flynne’s Elvaan is gay… as though its not known.

I usually do this in lengthy spurts! So here’s my update on Tria. (There’s lots)

Brygid da bitch decides that she would torment us further! The first time with the linen robe and subligar wasn’t enough! So now she decides to give us further stuff to do!

1. Job-Specific Armor: Brygid… … -.