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It started out a lazy Sunday afternoon where Abyssea does not seem to hold any attraction for us. We needed a different kind of distraction…

No, not the kind that Flynne enjoys… It’s Mission Time!!

Still missing that pertinent 108 quipu knot, Wynth poked Flynne and convinced (tricked) him into getting one for her. It dropped on the first Yag kill btw, so it was kinda ..hmmm..

Rolling on the steam of the first kill, it was off to complete the missions for Wings of the Goddess!

After helping an Elvaan get a knot, we met *gasp* the famous Elvaan white mage (or friar as he’s called by the Elvaans) and his pet goblin!
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Watching Flynne standing next to the friar, I think that Flynne definitely cuts a better look in his red magery stuff than our dear Friar friend whose name I can’t spell. After deciphering the knot, we discovered that our beloved Windurst is going get ambushed by Yags! Not only an ordinary yag, but the -Manifest- and her minions of masked Yag army!

Cutting to the chase, me and my warrior red mage slave, Flynne had to fight against hordes and hordes of Yag in the first round in order to create a surprise ambush attack on the Yags. Actually, it was all Flynne’s work, he used a dagger and basically Cycloned all of them to death. (I was trying to help, but..hmmm…staff skill not up there yet! 😦 )

The rest was up to these warrior cats! Look at them!!
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Naruto makes a surprise appearance as he tries to Rasengan the Yags. (Flynne happens to think its Sasuke with Chidori)
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This mission also introduced a casanova male mithra that had all the women swooning! (That’s excluding Wynth! She was so shocked by him sniffing her. See first picture)
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The second stage of the missions involve a trip to San O’ria in the past and the meet-up with the utterly gay Dancer called Makyavo
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and the appearance of the half-Elvaan and half-Hume called Lilsette! She kinda made Flynne drool.
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The story moves into the knight’s invasion into La Vule (Davoi in the present) and we had this gorgeous fight scene between the Elvaan knights and the Kindred!! And we actually saw what a real shield bash is instead of the pansy ass ones that we get! 😦
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and look at the JUMP! isn’t it more gorgeous than what we get!? !? !?
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We had to fight some stuff again, but Flynne took care of it quickly and neatly! He had to fight a dragon all by himself and his instructions to me were, “Wynth, you stay far far away from the dragon to take care of all the debuffs.” So I waddled to the back and waited and waited and waited… >_< Flynne never got cursed or paralyzed at all! Lucky dhalmel!!

After he was done with the dragon, we had to have awful visions given to us by a Spite Warden, who is one of those Apocalyse Now creatures. Sigh… Life is tough for SE to recycle it.
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After that battle, we had a revelation! Cait Sith was not the only one in the world, there were many Cait Siths around!
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We reached the part where we had to feed the male cat and unfortunately, there wasn’t much fish for me to more will be told for the next time.

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In summary, most of the missions up to this stage can be soloed by a red mage. Wait, make that a competent red mage. Incompetent ones should just stay at home and stare at their moogles.